Colours Of Chaos

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    Our painting experts have come together to help produce a list of all the essential Citadel paints you'll need to get your deadly legion of Chaos fit for purpose on the battlefield. 

    Includes 16 high-quality Citadel paints in 12ml pots:

    - Khorne Red
    - Zandri Dust
    - Bugman’s Glow
    - Rhinox Hide
    - Abaddon Black
    - Rakarth Flesh
    - Leadbelcher
    - Balthasar Gold
    - Evil Sunz Scarlet
    - Ushabti Bone
    - Cadian Fleshtone
    - Gorthor Brown
    - Dawnstone (Layer)
    - Pallid Wych Flesh
    - Runefang Steel
    - Flayed One Flesh

    Also includes the following Citadel Shade paints in 24ml pots:

    - Carroburg Crimson
    - Agrax Earthshade
    - Reikland Fleshshade
    - Nuln Oil

    - $0.00

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