The Great Rift has opened, and the galaxy will never be the same. For the Aeldari, it brings renewed hope as well as horror, for Ynnead is rising, and when she awakens fully, their race will be reborn…
This collection gives you the complete rules for every Aeldari faction in Warhammer 40,000. A trio of codexes – Craftworlds, Drukhari and Harlequins – contain army lists for each of these three factions, with datasheets for every Aeldari model, army rules and a host of background and uniform guides. Expand on these with Psychic Awakening: Phoenix Rising, which adds new options for Craftworlds and Drukhari forces, plus an entire codex supplement for the Ynnari, which allows you to combine all three Aeldari factions into one all-conquering army.
CONTENTS – Psychic Awakening: Phoenix Rising – This 80-page book includes thrilling background exploring the impact of the Great Rift on the Aeldari, new missions, and expanded rules for Craftworlds, Drukhari and Ynnari. These include rules for creating your own Craftworlds, Kabals, Wych Cults and Haemonculus Covens, as well as updated datasheets and new Stratagems, psychic disciplines, Warlord Traits and Relics. – Codex: Craftworlds – Walk the Path of the Warrior with 46 datasheets for the entire Craftworlds range, plus a suite of army abilities, full background for the Craftworlds and a showcase of expertly painted Citadel miniatures. – Codex: Drukhari – Venture into the darkness of Commorragh with 30 datasheets covering all Drukhari models, alongside army rules, Obsessions, Stratagems, Relics and more, plus background and a model showcase. – Codex: Harlequins – Dance your way to victory with 9 datasheets that let you use Harlequins in your games, plus army abilities, the background of these mysterious warriors and a sumptuous showcase.